Repeating Group SkdCSpplmntlInfrmtnDtl

Variable Name: ExplntnTxt

Variable Table: SkdCSpplmntlInfrmtnDtl [ Repeating Group - IRS990ScheduleC]
Line Number: Part IV
Description: Part IV contents; Form, part and line number reference explanation
Type: Text
Xpath: /IRS990ScheduleC/SupplementalInformationDetail/ExplanationTxt

Variable Name: FrmAndLnRfrncDsc

Variable Table: SkdCSpplmntlInfrmtnDtl [ Repeating Group - IRS990ScheduleC]
Line Number: Part IV
Description: Part IV contents; Form, part and line number reference
Type: String(length=100)
Xpath: /IRS990ScheduleC/SupplementalInformationDetail/FormAndLineReferenceDesc